By: A Fahrizal Aziz *
After nearly two hours, the group eventually the United Journalism for diversity (sejuk) to well in high-rise apartments, agro Puspo sidoarjo, to make a visit and reportage with Sampang Shiite refugees who moved from GOR Tennis Sampang, Madura. Tense moment, because they have little to deal with the local authorities, but the group eventually managed to get in and be accepted with open by the refugees, we shook hands with each other, so a warm welcome, much of the early shadows. See shades of it, so I thought of a few things related to the Shiite residents recently questioned.
During this time I just read about the Shia of the mass media and a little discussion with fellow students, at least there are horror when I set foot in the towers. The first, from some cases, people who visit the place was considered a pro with Shia, first I have a pretty intense association with groups that are theologically understood Shia reject. Second, since childhood, I have been taught to understand Islam that recently I know called "Sunni". In the middle east countries, prestige between Shia and Sunni has reached its “titik nadir”, not even a little physical conflict that ended with, I think when it was there, I would get the extra rejection because it comes from the Sunni faction. Turns fears are unfounded.
Shia is actually not a new theological streams in the Islamic world, if not the oldest age. So far, I only review the Shia from college and discussion forums, while in college, especially in the subjects of Islamic theology, it is so obvious who administer the course lecturers still carry-Sunni fanaticism to bring her in the matter, so that information about the Shia are almost always negative . In the discussion forum itself, I had a discussion with one of the students who are more "open", even more because of its openness to the Shiite impressed with the progress of the Iranian nation and the figure of Ahmadinejad.
Theological disagreement is a classic, in the history of Islam, there are many religious foundations, and generally understand the religious life when getting political power. Shia for example, a very strong understanding when to get legitimacy from the supporters of Ali ibn Abi Talib, or Mu'tazilah which dominates when led by the Abbasid Caliph Al-Ma'mun. Ahlussunah Wal Jamaat itself is not a definitive understanding, he was present for getting strength from supporters Asyariyah and Maturidiyyah.
Until now, the theological ideologies almost 'disappear' after the Islamic domination of the world of science and the military gradually collapsed and was replaced by a more western dominance of secular and atheistic. Except two notions, namely the Shiite politically backed up by the Persian Gulf countries such as Iran and Iraq. Or ahlussunah wal Jamaah lately known as Sunni. Mu'tazila himself was once a great theological school, now also invisible jungle, but some observers began to discover the history of the rebirth of the seeds along with the birth of thought Mu'tazilite Liberal thinking lately.
Understand the birth of a historical reality that can not be denied, but not a few also know that birth because of political issues, as well as Shiites and Kharijites. Both understand the birth of the negotiations between the Ali and Muawiyah. Then developed into fiqiyah difference. Differences that have caused upheaval in the history of the terrible physical, if we remember the Siffin war or jamal war, two highly destructive war and make us stroking his chest.
Historic events including the birth of his past and its theological stream that should be an important lesson for us as the people of the present, we have offered a wide range of history that not only deliver stability and progress of the Muslims, but also non-stop bloody upheaval. I think, the people who ingest a lot of historical texts, we should be more wise and mature in addressing the theological differences that exist.
Moreover, the roots of the conflict between Shia and Sunni was never present in the annals of Indonesian Muslims, the conflict between the two occurred in the middle east countries especially in Iran and Iraq, and even then more because of politics and power. While in Indonesia, the context of hostility where none exists. So, when the Shiite presence lately started to issue in Indonesia, it needs to be studied historically. The bloody feud still relevant?
The presence of a Shiite theological fact, the Shia themselves are also divided into several sects, Shia and existing cases of Indonesia, especially in Sampang Shiite who turned out to be Ja'fari Shia sect. Ja'fari sect is a Shi'ite sect that views fiqiyahnot much different from the four Imam's mahzab (Syafii, Hanbali, Hanafi and Maliki) who is Imam of the Sunni. So for what it conflic maintained?
Muslims in Indonesia should not be burdened with the history of Shia-Sunni unrest, because the uterus hostilities there in the middle east, not in Indonesia's socio-cultural diversity uphold. Indonesian nation capable of receiving all the difference ranging from such fundamental belief in God to the nature furu'iyahor perspective. And the presence of Shiite, is a theological reality that can not be denied in the history of Muslims. Wollohu'alam